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WhiteHat Jr Coupon Codes,Offers, & Deals 2020 - GoPaisa

WhiteHat Jr Coupons

Discount & Offers Details

WhiteHatJr Coupon Code

Flat Rs 600 Off on basic coding courses worth Rs 5,999 & above

WhiteHatJr Promo Code

Flat Rs 5000 Off on standard coding courses worth Rs 29,999 & above

WhiteHatJr Voucher Code

Flat Rs 10000 Off on premium coding courses worth Rs 89,999 & above

Avail Best WhiteHat Jr's Coding Courses for Kids at Discount

Do you know why a kid as young as five years has more potential than an adult? There is a lot of potential in a kid which is often left untapped. The traditional education system brings all the knowledge right from science, mathematics, but when it comes to advanced knowledge, there are no such facilities. Because of this, subjects like coding, are often introduced a way too late in their academic syllabus when it is more difficult for them to learn. Today requires that children should be given the knowledge of fundamentals of coding right from the age when they are taught mathematics and other subjects. That’s why, WhiteHat Jr, one of the renowned coding learning platforms for young kids, brings the opportunity for your child to learn the fundamentals of programming at a very young age. For this, they offer a variety of online coding courses for kids from the age of 6 to 14. If you have a dream of becoming your child the best programmer across the globe, enroll Whitehat Jr online coding courses now. Whitehat Jr also takes care of your pockets, thus providing you these courses at affordable prices. Moreover, you can save more on WhiteHat Jr online coding courses using various WhiteHat Jr coupons and offers available at GoPaisa. 

About WhiteHat Jr

In today's rapidly changing world, technology is evolving so fast that your kids need to learn new skills to adapt in all kinds of technical fields. Nowadays, a very less percentage of schools teach coding to students at a very young age. This results in a major gap in the requirement of the current world and our children’s skills. WhiteHat Jr is the coding platform fulfilling the gap between the traditional education and modern coding requirements by offering easy coding learning programs for kids of all ages. Their mission is to empower a whole generation to become creators vs consumers of technology. To make coding accessible and easy for kids and teenagers, WhiteHat Jr brings you a live online 1:1 platform that connects kids ages 5-12 to top early childhood coding teachers, from the comfort of your home. They teach kids the fundamentals of coding logic, structure, sequence and algorithmic thinking to help kids generate creative results like complex games, animations, websites and apps. In simple words, there is no better place to learn coding at an early age than WhiteHat Jr. 

Why teach coding to your kids at an early age?

Programming indeed increases the thinking capabilities of the brain and makes it sharper, smarter and faster. It is important for children as well because it enables them to think logically and makes them creative. A study from George Land and Dr. Beth Jarman identifies that kids are most creative when they reach the age of 6, followed by a gradual decline as they grow up. Coding balances left and right brain, convergent and divergent thinking, to enable peak creative expression. Kids learn logic and structure to command tech tools and generate outcomes like games and apps.

What WhiteHat Jr courses offer to your kids?

Learning other subjects like Mathematics, Science, Social Studies at the very beginning is considered important, similarly, it is equally important for your kids to understand the fundamentals of computer science from the very beginning. WhiteHat Jr does the same. They bring a wide range of online coding classes for kids in grade 1-12 that stimulate creativity, problem solving skills and academic performance overall. With White Hat Jr specially curated courses for different grades, your child will learn  the following:

  • The essentials of coding: Logic, Structure, Sequence.
  • To create complex games, websites, animations & mobile apps.
  • How to manipulate data using the programming languages.
  • To think of being a problem solver.
  • Understand how technologies converse with each other.

For this, they have divided the overall learning into 5 levels based on your child grade and capabilities. The various levels are:

  • Beginner (Grade 1)
  • Intermediate (Grade 2)
  • Advanced (Grade 4-6)
  • Professional (Grade 7-9)
  • Applied Tech (Grade 10+)

How much does WhiteHat Jr course plans cost you?

WhiteHat Jr offers three different kids programming courses that allow kids, teens and young adults to learn how to code at all ages with proper coding classes. These courses are designed for children in grade 1-10 plus and the course fee ranges from Rs. 5,999 to Rs. 99,999. The complete details of the programming courses are:

1 - Introduction to Coding

  • Introduction to coding kids programming course comprises 8 online classes.

  • Your children will learn sequences, algorithms, variables, functions, and events.
  • The activities include creating your own games and basic apps.
  • The cognitive benefits of this course is improvement in your kids logical thinking
  • Introduction to coding program costs you around Rs. 5,999.   

2 - App Developer Certification

  • App Developer Certification course comprises 48 online classes from certified teachers and subject matter experts.

  • The curriculum of this course is to teach animations, game design, advanced app structures.
  • The activities include developing interactive apps and depp UI/UX interface.
  • The cognitive benefit is full entrepreneur creative expression. 
  • Achievements from this course is certificate of completion, interactive game design and own Google Playstore app.
  • This course costs you around Rs. 33,999. 

3 - Advanced Coding with Space-Tech

  • Advanced coding with Space-tech is the most advanced kids coding programming course comprising 144 online classes from  certified teachers and subject matter experts.

  • The curriculum of this course is to teach data models, artificial intelligence and space tech.
  • The activities include development of full commercial ready utility app and advanced space simulations.
  • The cognitive benefit is transformed data-spatial visualization.
  • Achievements from this course are life-time access to this course, space tech and top 1% handpicked passionate early coders will get Silicon Valley mentorship
  • This course costs you around Rs. 99,999. 

So, if you want your kid to become a passionate early coder, enroll WhiteHat Jr online 1:1 online coding classes for your child now. If you or your child would like to find out more about the opportunities provided by our coding programs, explore the kids programming courses offered by WhiteHat Jr. and consider enrolling for a free trial. Moreover, if you purchase a course and find the online class is not benefiting your child, you can cancel your membership at any time and take your money back. Checkout WhiteHat Jr coupons and offers and  save more on interactive online classes.

Save More on WhiteHat Jr Online Courses with GoPaisa

So, if your kid is curious about coding or is just fascinated by the IT world, White Hat Jr helps your child to understand the fundamentals of computer science as well as they teach your child to be a professional at coding. For this, WhiteHar jr offers various kids programming courses whose curriculum is specially designed for kids of different age groups ages 6-18. These one-to-one online classes from home helps your kid learn coding in an effective manner and are then encouraged to create interesting apps, games and animations. So, if you’re a highly-motivated parent and want your kid to one day lead the IT industry with its own creation, there’s no better place to learn coding than Whitehat Jr. This is the platform which can help your child learn the basics of computer science to high-end tech coding from the very beginning. Moreover, if you want to make your online courses purchase pocket-friendly, go through the list of WhiteHat Jr coupons available on GoPaisa. Here you can discover the latest WhiteHat Jr coupons and deals on top of additional GoPaisa rewards and cashback. To get the best deals on WhiteHat Jr courses, visit GoPaisa.com website or GoPaisa mobile app, visit WhiteHat Jr page, explore the latest deals & coupons, and buy the best deal on WhiteHat Jr.

WhiteHat Jr Contact Details

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Contact Number: 022 6833 7300
  • Twitter: @whitehatjunior
  • Facebook: whitehatjr

The mission of WhiteHat jr is to bridge the contemporary traditional school education system by teaching up-to-date computer science fundamentals and advanced coding skills. Currently, a few schools teach coding from early childhood. Because of this WhiteHat Jr aims to prepare young children for the challenges of the future world. If you are a motivated parent and passionate about technology and where it can lead you to, then Join WhiteHat Jr courses now. If you want to make your online courses purchase pocket-friendly, go through the list of WhiteHat Jr coupons and Whitehat Jr offers available on GoPaisa. Here you can discover the latest WhiteHat Jr coupon codes and deals on top of additional GoPaisa rewards and cashback.