Magzter Produrcts/Services | Magzter Cashback Offers |
Magazine Bundle | Upto 86% off |
3,6,12 Months Magzter Gold Subscriptions | 25% discount |
Purchase of Annual Subscription | 20% off |
Annual Digital Subscription | 30% discount |
Keeping updated with all that is happening around you and in the world, is essential. Magazines are one thing that give you an insight of all the latest incidents that are taking place. With a life as fast as ours, it is not always feasible to carry a magazine and read it regularly. To make this easy, the concept of digital magazine was developed.
Magzter is the world's largest and fastest global digital magazine newsstand. With its headquarter in New York, Magzter app was launched in June 2011. This digital magazine is available across multiple devices. More than 3500+ leading publishers upload their content which gives the users 8,500+ magazines to read from.
Readers, at Magzter can preview and purchase magazines that they prefer reading and can read them on any five of their chosen smart devices. Magzter also pampers its users with bonus video and audio content published by the publishers in their digital editions. These videos are best in quality and multiply your news reading experience. A Magzter customer can participate in contests, take polls, or even follow an interesting website.
Magzter is easy to access as you can read its content on your tablet or smartphone. It is compatible with both iOS and android operating system. One can even use the web to read at Magzter. Magzter is also available on storefronts such as the Amazon App Store.
Magzter Gold 1 Year Free Subscription offer - Subscribe Magzter Gold 1 Year Subscription worth Rs.3999 at Rs.999 & Get Flat Rs.1050 GoPaisa cashback. So in short, you are getting Free Magzter gold subscription + Extra Rs.50 Cashback on top. Enjoy reading the magazines and articles anytime and anywhere on iPad, iPhone, Android devices and the web. So subscribe now & Enjoy 1 year of unlimited access to 5,000+ Best-Selling Magazines and Premium Articles.
Magzter Bundles Offer | Discount |
Your Baby Bundle | 50% Off |
Wing Chun Illustrated 2017 Bundle | 50% Off |
All about Shridevi | 88% Off |
Elle Bonanza | 10% Off |
Enterpreneur 2018 + Free ebook Manage your Own Business | 68% Off |
Magzter is stocked with all types of magazines that you would love to read. You have the liberty to choose a magazine according to their titles, category, region and type. Before you purchase a magazine at Magzter, you can preview it for free. If you like it, subscribe it with just one click. Magzter offers three types of subscription period: 3 months, 6 months and 12 months. Once you’ve subscribed to a magazine, every new issue will be pushed to your device automatically as they are published. Once you’ve created a free Magzter account, you can access purchases across all your devices - phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. If you have missed an important news from the past, Magzter helps you get the old issues of magazines and allows you to go through them without and hussel. Magzter launched “All you can read” subscription service called Magzter GOLD on Jan 19, 2015. This subscription has allowed the Magzter readers the unlimited access to 1000s of magazines for a low monthly price.
Get flat 75% discount on magzter gold. Enjoy unlimited access to 5000+ magazines for just Rs 999 per year which actually worth Rs 3999/ year. Use promo code 'GOLDFLATOFF' and get access to 5000+ magazines and thousands of premium articles for just Rs 399/month. Hurry Up!
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