10 Weird Facts about Christmas

“Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling.” ―Edna Ferber

So far, there are mainstream facts known about Christmas Day, an eve which marks the birth of Jesus Christ. This festival is not limited to Christians but celebrated by non-Christians as well. It has transcended the religious significance and has gained cultural significance. With every festival, comes the eerie facts associated with it and Christmas is no exception. From eating caterpillars to gifting undies, this festival gets weirder. Here is a list of weird facts associated with this eve.


The log that poops out gifts

In Barcelona kids have a wooden log named Caga Tio. They cover it with a blanket from December 8 till December 25. Not only this, they supposedly feed it Nougats. They draw a face and even put a red cap on the top of the log. This unstable log-Santa poops out gifts for kids.

Pine trees are way too overrated

In India, a Banana or a mango tree is decorated instead of a pine tree.sp

Can spiders be a source of good luck?

We are surprised how spiders cannot freak anyone out! It is believed in Ukraine, spider webs bring good luck to them. Therefore, they fill their Christmas trees with them.

No white Christmas, please!

Aussies celebrate it in summer. Their way of celebration is surfing, swimming and picnics.

WHATTT!!! Did you say caterpillars?

People in South Africa eat deep-fried caterpillars on Christmas Day.

Throw that food at the ceiling

In a Slovakian household, things get a bit different. The eldest man here gets to throw the food at the ceiling.

What’s with the Christmas stocking?

It stems from the story about a poor man with three daughters who couldn’t afford to get them married. One night, St. Nicholas (popularly known as Santa Claus)  dropped a bag of gold down the man’s chimney so that his oldest daughter would be able to get married, and the bag fell into a stocking that was drying by the fire. The poor man got them married and lived happily ever after.

Women keep it pink during the eve

In Argentina, the mother or grandmother gift other women pink undies. Women gift lingerie in the hopes that the younger generation will wear them on New Year’s Eve and attract love.

Christmas Tree- a myth?

In the 19th Century, there used to be a tradition of raucous drinking. Christmas tree was introduced as part of a social movement to consciously reform Christmas away from its tradition of excessive drinking by Victorian intellectuals.

And By The Way!

‘Jingle Bells’ – the popular Christmas song was composed by James Pierpont in Massachusetts, America. It was, however, written for Thanksgiving and not Christmas.





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