Sweat it out in Grace

This write-up is specifically for all the gym freaks out there! Well, even if you are not one of them and always been standing on the opposite end, you would be glad that you came across this write-up. I know until now you have been pushing away all your friends who were trying to drag you to the gym. And, why not? What’s there in the gym? But what if I tell you that the gym essentials which I am just going to share with you will force you to walk around the gym with pride? Now your work out will be as stylish as your office times, casual times and party times. After all, the life is too short to wear boring clothes to the gym! Wearing the same black tights regularly to the gym is no monotonous. Pep-up your gym outfits and see the difference in your exercise regime. Still can’t believe us? Get on with the ride then, We are about to take off!


Add on the Punk!

Get yourself a cool and blazing oversized T-shirt and pair it up with dark-colored tights or Yoga pants. Yoga pants look extremely hot as they make you look lean and highlight your curves. They will also be your motivation for the days when you wouldn’t feel like going to the gym.

Pro-Tip: If you are looking forward to putting on an oversized, off-shoulder T-shirt, try to wear a bra which is in contrast to your T-Shirt.


Glam Ready!

Not that you need any makeup but a little beauty won’t kill your diet plan! Why be old school when you can be the fashionista not only at the party nights but in the early mornings hitting the gym too! Soothe your skin with waterproof foundations and light makeup such as fruit-based balms while you run to burn all those extra kilos.

Pro-Tip: Don’t forget to carry a strong deodorant in your gym bag. This is the essential thing you will need while you sweat and stink. Apply it regularly for better results.

Hang it with style!

Say a big NO to the old, not so classic looking bags which were hanging in your closet from the past decade. This is the time to get for yourself a stylish and happening sling or Yoga backpack. That goes well with the gym feels and comes handy for all your stuff such as hand towel, deodorant, an extra pair of clothes (in case of requirement).

Pro-Tip- Choose a bag that has enough space and a separate compartment for the Sipper. If you happen to find a bag with a compartment on the outside, there’s nothing like it.

Let your hair do the Talking!

One thing which if not given proper attention can become extremely irritating is – The Hair. The constant hustle with your hair while you do your crunches or run on the treadmill or prepare yourself for the legs day, is real and painful. However, a loose ponytail or wearing a band on your forehead can do wonders and save you from the horror of fighting with your hair at every few intervals. You can also go for loose buns and half-ties to refrain from the excess sweat.

Protip: Try not to opt for too many hairpins as they might hurt you while you are into your exercise regime. In fact, you can tie-up your buns or ponytails with colorful and bright rubber bands that match well with your outfit of the day.


I know this was just what you needed to start your gym sessions. Now, be the sass you have always been and while you do your bit at the gym, keep in mind to eat healthily and gulp down lots of water to stay hydrated in these hot summers.






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