Winter Wear

Winter Essentials!

Winters have a spsecial and queer way with everyone’s sense of fashion. Even though Classics peek through your closet most of the time yet one cannot really keep away from tids and bits of unorthodox fashion.
Unlike money ,fashion is both a great slave and a master. The dictates of fashion cannot be avoided yet playing with them sometimes has done no one any harm till date.

Quint essentials of Winter fashion are many but have you wondered that if they were to be pinned down to 3, what would they be. I know a lot of you will judge me as myopic but Boy O Boy! This one is a tough task.
From a list of hundreds, picking on a tiny number can be quite a daunting task and I am all game for it.

Long Coats

Furs, tweeds, hoodies, patterned or plains. Long Coats are the chick-est way to stay fashionably warm. While you have an option of pairing them up plain high-neck tees, there also comes a time when you can play with the long coats even when you’ve put on blings and patterns.

Be not sinful of absorbing too many patterns and shades in a single ensemble, that is the devil.
So Long Coats make it to the top of the Winter’s quintessential list.
Hush- Hush note : Myntra has come out with its’s most amazing collection of long coats and Gopaisa makes it even more irrestible by giving you a 15% cashback. You heard that right!

Caps or hats or beanies or Berets!


Yes I know, there’d be curses now as to why do I have put the millinery of head wear under one roof. Simply because making a choice simply isn’t a possibility. You’ve got to keep an essential stack for all the varying kinds of head wear you have. Hats do wonders with pencil fit denims and slightly rugged look jackets, completement it with a nice pair of boots and you’re good to go.
Beanies and Berets usually put the feminine coquettishness on the table and are great to be worn with winter dresses or skirts.
It’s a huge success to come on to a decision for a perfect head wear and learn to celebrate that with your own self


They might have been fancied in the historic past for their utilitarian values but today you’d probably cut out a fashionably sorry figure if you do not have the right pair of boots! They are the best things since sliced bread.
Boots complement majority of your dresses provided you know how to put the equation right.

So all said and done, grab yourself these essentials and hoard them for generations to come !;)

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