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Instant Cashback Offer - GoPaisa Exclusive

Yes, you heard it right! No more waiting for your cashback! Get cashabck confirmation within 48 hrs. Instant cashback confirmation is exclusively available on GoPaisa.

Shop via GoPaisa and get instant cashback on following online retailers

Terms and Conditions:

  1. Confirmed Cashback Will Be Credited within 48-72 hrs.
  2. Offer Valid For Both New & Existing Users.
  3. Cashback for all missing transactions will be confirmed after 45 days.
  4. No Cashback Will Be Given for Cancelled / Failed / Post Delivery Orders (In case of Food Stores)
  5. Instant Cashback offer cannot be clubbed with any other exclusive offers.
  6. GoPaisa Team might ask for the screenshot of order history or might block account in the case found any fraud orders.