Fit, fitter, fittest – Chant the mantra with style!


We often wish to get a fitter body without doing much. Many apps are on the rounds at different application stores, but how many of them are reliable? Do they even help us in getting a fit but healthy body? The answer is a big ‘NO’, in the simplest words possible. An app should be helpful enough to keep a track of your health and assign you tasks to complete. In short, it should list the exercises that are suitable for you, and daily tasks help you a lot in making your body fitter than before, if not fittest. And what could be more reliable or trustworthy than Google’s very own Fit app, to guide you in getting a healthy body with a more fit look.

Google Fit got its much-awaited revamp last week and the new version is way sassier. The fitness app was launched in 2014 and had continued to look the same way until now. Google has oddly kept the app in its old looks for a tad too long. Google shared the screenshots of the new app version and it looks smarter and yes there are new features. Google Fit has now two new features, Move Minutes and Heart Points.

Move Minutes tracks all your movements and you earn points with every move you make. Whether you take a stroll or do household chores, Move Minutes keeps a tab on body movements and rewards you for activities after you cross a certain milestone. The Heart Points works when you do intense activity that gets your heart rate pumping. You earn one point for every minute of moderate activity, like picking up pace when you walk fast or run with your dog. It awards you double points when doing exercises, like running or cardio workouts.

The good news is Google Fit is compatible with Android phones, so you do not necessarily have to buy Wear OS by Google smartwatch to make this work. It is also compatible with a host of other apps, including Strava, Nike+, Fitbit, Xiaomi Mi bands and more. Google Fit uses Android Phone sensors to monitor your speed, pace, route and more.

The revamped app also gives you actionable coaching, which was completely absent on its previous version. It gives you necessary suggestions and recommendations according your fitness routines and week’s workout. Though it still needs to be seen how effective it really is in the long run.

From the overall look and feel Google Fit is fun to use and gives lot more details about your fitness regiments that it did before.


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